New Updates Uploaded in System on 03/09/2013
1) Stock can be associated with Invoice ID, Supplier ID for reporting purposes. (Optional feature)
2) Tracking of each batch of Imported Items via excel (ID needs to be generated for each import, and we have created a stock import report to track, in addition to the current stock in/out report).
3) Purchase Return.
4) Access rights to set 'Read only' access for Purchase returns.
5) Front-end trade-in and repair to be able to search for Customer (like sales).
6) Home Chart to display Profit figure + Sales figure.
7) Deposit order to add comments.
8) Repair report to add comments.
9) Sales report to add comments.
10) Trade in - additional customer info: Gender, DOB and Nationality.
11) Trade in report to allow viewing of customer details in a pop-up.
12) Quick add customer - Include Gender, DOB and Nationality.
13) Revamp Stock take - user can navigate between pages and selections are auto-saved.
14) Sales report to display customer details in a popup.
15) Upload picture based on Stock type, instead of individual product .
1) Sales report - to allow search by supplier, invoice id.
2) Stock in/out report - show full details of Add, Edit or Delete.
Example: Modified Values from ‘a’ to ‘b’. User able to search by IMEI to view item history.
3) History report - to search for all transaction logs of a specific IMEI.
4) Stock import report - to track each and every excel import.
5) Stock holding report - include supplier and invoice search.
6) Employees’ Sales report - Enhance Employee summary and detailed report - to track profit along with sales figure.
7) Internal transfer report.
New Updates Uploaded in System on 29/07/2013
1) Item Summary report - enhanced to display Accessories profit.
2) Internal transfer - enhanced with checkboxes for easier adding of items.
3) Summary and Detailed reports - enhanced UI in summary box.
4) Enhanced Stock import with Excel script (Kindly download new template).
5) Bonus feature to allow owners to set bonus amount for mobile phone sales.
6) Fixed bugs relating to other general issues.
New Updates Uploaded in System on 09/07/2013
1) A4 printable format for important reports - Detailed sales, Detailed Trade In, Detailed Repair.
2) Backend: Import stock via excel: Currently, when a few items in the excel has errors, items are being imported partially. Now we have updated the script to reject whole import with error messages of the specific row. This means that the whole excel will either be imported or rejected.
3) History logs enhanced to store user who has modified transactions
4) Backend Stock: Feature to allow Export stock by single outlet or all.
5) Backend Stock - after clicking on stock type, to display outlet location/ quantity without needing to rollover.
6) Detailed Stock In/Out (Movement) report
7) Stock holding report: Show current stock holding with information such as total Cost Price, Selling Price. Also, user is able to search for stock that has stay with outlet for long period of time.
8) Stock Take report
9) Item summary report: Display number of items sold and can be grouped by stock type id.
10) Mass Sales feature (more than 50 items): Import by excel
11) Able to customise footer text for Repair and Trade-In receipts
12) Customer registration and Purchase history to show the outlet it was processed.